If you thought the recent Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen (PPAP) song was a mere one-hit-wonder, the singer behind the viral track has a follow-up that’s just as bad (or good, depending on your taste) and this time, it’s about sunglasses. Yes, sunglasses.
Japanese comedian and singer-songwriter DJ Kosaka Daimaou, otherwise known as Piko-Taro, released the new track “Neo Sunglasses” on his YouTube page on Thursday (Oct 6).
Wearing the same 70s-inspired yellow flamboyant disco outfit against a plain backdrop – as he did on the PPAP video released last month – the 53-year-old is seen dancing enthusiastically and drops Japanese words like “Kurai” and “Akarui” (“dark” and “bright” in Japanese) about his sunglasses.
The 57-second online clip has since garnered more than 4 million views while PPAP has been viewed on YouTube over 38 million times to date.
Pop singer Justin Beiber tweeted about PPAP last month, calling it his “favourite video on the Internet”. Really now, Beebs?
According to Japanese entertainment news site Owarai Favclip, Daimaou’s dream is to be able to sing at New York’s Madison Square and now that he’s even gotten Beiber’s attention, who knows?
It might turn out to be among the shortest epic concerts in recent history.
And doesn’t he remind you of Singapore actor Chen Tianwen in the “Unbelievable – I so stunned like vegetable” music video? Did one inspire the other? Or is a duet between the two just such a great idea?