Jackie Chan's ex-lover claims their daughter Etta stole $30,000 worth of items from home


Jackie Chan’s ex-mistress, Elaine Ng accused her daughter Etta of stealing $35,000 worth of items from their Hong Kong home, including clothes, jewellery, and a guitar.

Upon returning home, Elaine discovered that the items were missing and called the police, who concluded that it could have been an ‘inside job’ as there were no sights of forced entry, reports Shin Min Daily News.

On Oct 30, reporters approached Etta and her girlfriend, social media influencer Andi Autumn, for a statement on the incident.

Etta chose to remain silent on the issue at first, but had a change of heart moments later, telling reporters that she had told her mother that she would be taking some clothes from the house.

However, Elaine was not home at the time.

Etta then entered the house and retrieved the items.

As she did not have a guitar, she took her mother’s.

Etta also added that she was puzzled why her mother had called the police. She insisted that she only took some clothes and a guitar.

Thursday, November 2, 2017 – 12:40

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Jackie Chan


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