ITE students developing drones that drop lifesaving floats to swimmers in need



The beaches of Sentosa could in future be patrolled not just by human lifeguards but also drones that could save lives. The idea to tap technology to help distressed swimmers arose from a project by the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) undertaken by four staff members and four students.

The project, for which ITE provided funding of about $30,000, started in April last year and development of the drone prototype began in January this year. The ITE team designed and built a drone with six propellers that carries a lifesaving float which is dropped for a swimmer who needs help.

The swimmer needs to be wearing a mobile transponder – an armband device – so that the drone can detect its location when it is activated.

At the same time, a warning will be sent to a device on shore so that the lifeguard on duty can respond immediately.

The ITE is making a big push in the field of artificial intelligence, with a module in the basics of artificial intelligence being made compulsory for all students in their first year of study, starting this year.


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