'It has to be a deep mindset change': Singapore to conduct comprehensive review of women's issues



The Government is embarking on a comprehensive review of issues affecting women to bring about a mindset change on values like gender equality and mutual respect for women.

The review will engage and work with partners from the people and private sectors as well as women’s and youth groups, said Minister for Home Affairs and Law K. Shanmugam.

It will be led by three women political office holders, he added.

They are Minister of State for Education and Social and Family Development Sun Xueling, Parliamentary Secretary for Education, and Trade and Industry Low Yen Ling, and Parliamentary Secretary for Health Rahayu Mahzam.

The ideas and suggestions gathered through these dialogues and discussions will be tabled as a White Paper in Parliament in the first half of next year, Mr Shanmugam said.

Speaking at the start of a virtual dialogue on Sunday (Sept 20), he said while Singapore has taken great strides to level the playing field for women, gender equality remains a work in progress.


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