Is backing Hadi’s Syariah bill Umno’s play for power?


MP SPEAKS | The play of religion on politics is dangerous, especially in a country like Malaysia.

Is backing Hadi’s Syariah bill Umno’s play for power?

MP SPEAKS | The play of religion on politics is dangerous, especially in a country like Malaysia.



  1. Religion is a believe and faith. If somebody believe ob DAP and follow DAP way it also consider religion. So DAP can not denied that they also play with relegion. Do not finger pointing to other.

  2. why adopt a law that its purity& authencity is in doubt?

    The fact that Prophet Mohammed is illiterate already make Quran questionable (Prophet might say exactly what Angel Gabriel told him but who can guarantee the person write it down didn’t add, omit or deviate from it?) what more original Quran is lost and rewritten during war times, 300 years after prophet die in yr 632?

  3. Still remember Hadi threatening the non Muslims a repetitive of aka Ahok in Jakarta! These words he uttered is more than justify who we decided to choose in the coming GE

  4. All the while they put religion race above RAKYAT UNITY.
    Cos they know they need the majority in order to be in power.
    But Rakyat survival is questionable in this kind of economy.

  5. 5 things basis human needs doesn’t contain religions. When there is no solution and everything is increasing so does the crime rate. Show us you power you can lecture them with you skills and power of religions including donation from the government

  6. No worry dear peace lover and caring Msian. It won’t go thru in Parliament.
    “HE” won’t be able to get 2/3 MP majority

    It’s merely a drama to drum up supports for “HIS” party n “OWN” survival

  7. History has shown that a wrong mixture of politics and religion can destroy the very fabric of a country
    which has grown up 👍as a tolerant multiracial,… nationstate since the time of our founding fathers.

  8. Move is clear to get religious support. However, are all Muslims so stupid to be led by few religion infidels?? True Muslims have a heart with Allah not men, it’s God makes man and not man makes God.

  9. Whatever. Because no matter what, this bill will not get pass parliament as it will be a violation to the federal constitution. Federal constitution stated that Malaysia is a secular state, not an Islamic state.

  10. What to do Malaysians ? Just bcos of that particular useless numb skull arrogant and foolish retard holding on to the last straw for survival to safe himself from prison , he is willing to play the religions on politics which is dangerous in a country rich with racial , religious and cultural diversity .

    So this is the kind of moron’s Malaysians blindly voted him to power to gamble away the trusts and beliefs the rakyat has placed in him .

  11. Obvious lah. One whole lot of Malay Muslims added to their their voters’ list and a minus of this number on the Opposition’s list. There is a feeling that Hadi wants this Syriah law to be implemented asap so that he can cut off the hands of MO1, Rosmah’s, and all the dedak eaters, the whole lot of UMNO goons who are lavishing in style????? Food for thought.

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