Once again, netizens all around the world have proven how there’s just no limit to their imagination.
It’s Olympic season and the Internet had its usual tricks on standby it seems.
It all started when a user of image sharing platform Imgur, factionman, went to town after realising that the Olympic tennis court reminded him of none other than a gigantic green screen.
Sure enough, the user showed off his editing skills as he had fun with his new discovery.
What was supposedly a mere tennis court for Olympians to compete on transformed into a volcano, underwater, outerspace and – we kid you not – the Star Wars opening sequence.
Source: Imgur/Factionman
Source: Imgur/Factionman
Source: Imgur/Factionman
Fellow Imgur user Kidrio12 responded with this witty line: “The fun thing is you could do the same thing with their swimming pool.”
Another user commented: “This could make golf 100 per cent more fascinating.”
It probably would.
But that’s not all.
Twitter user Mike Ginn, who goes by the popular handle @shutupmikeginn, posted a video of yet another Olympian who was standing in front of – you guessed it – a giant green screen.
David Katoatau, a weighlifter from the Pacific island nation of Kiribati, had already grabbed headlines from his nifty dance moves during his segment but that did not spare him from netizens’ amazing editing skills.
Katoatau was made to look as if he was dancing in a nightclub, in front of a live band and for some strange reason – in outerspace as well.
In case you’re wondering, there is an underlying meaning to why Katoatau keeps dancing and that is to save his island from climate change.
While the Olympic Games is drawing to a close, it wouldn’t be wild to assume that these netizens will be back at the editing game in no time.