Inside Singapore's sprawling coronavirus isolation centre, robots included



Singapore is rapidly building bed space for coronavirus patients in cavernous exhibition halls and other temporary facilities as it faces a surge in cases, mainly among its large community of low-paid migrant workers.

The city state of 5.7 million people has over 12,000 confirmed infections of the virus that causes Covid-19, one of the most in Asia, due to outbreaks in cramped dormitories housing over 300,000 mainly South Asian workers.

One such facility at Changi Exhibition Centre – home to the Singapore Airshow, Asia’s biggest aerospace gathering – could eventually house over 4,000 patients recovering from the disease and those with mild symptoms.

“The entire process of setting up the infrastructure took six days,” Joseph Tan, a member of the organising committee for the temporary facility.

The first patients, mainly from Bangladesh and India, were moved on Saturday into the vast conference hall, partitioned into rooms for eight to 10 people, with metal beds, plastic storage drawers and fans.


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