Indonesian art and the rebirth of boardgames in BT Weekend


Indonesian art may not be as well known to international collectors as, say, Chinese art, but that is set to change. With big events such as Jakarta Biennale and the opening of swanky new museums, the Indonesian art scene is revving up.

Enjoyed Ed Sheeran’s concert in Singapore last weekend? Find out more about the pop superstar in Weekend Interview. And also in the magazine, hang out in Hiroshima, which has risen from the ashes of World War II to become one of Japan’s most scenic cities.

Put away your phone. Sit down and crack open that boardgame. You’d be in good company, with the boardgame business enjoying a massive revival today. Our Brunch feature in the main paper chronicles the renaissance of tabletop gaming.

Cubicle Files, meanwhile, looks at how to deal with a boss who’s an insecure leader, and how to spot the signs.

What do Taylor Swift, Beyonce and Marina Abramovic have in common? Sass & The City gives the lowdown on the high art of performance.

In The Finish Line, we line up the non-performing teams that are stuck in the World Cup wilderness.

And will a new 2.0-litre gasoline engine help Jaguar’s sleek sport utility vehicle (SUV) sink its claws into a wider audience? Find out in The Steering Column.

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Friday, November 17, 2017 – 09:00

The Business Times


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