Indonesia park visitors reported to police for giving animals alcohol


Management of a conservation park in Cisarua, Bogor, West Java, have reported a man and woman to the police for giving a hippopotamus and a deer an alcoholic drink, as shown in a video that went viral.

“We reported the two perpetrators to Cisarua Police this morning. Their actions endangered our animals and breached animal welfare norms. Hence, we decided to take the case to the police,” Taman Safari Indonesia’s spokesman Yulius Suprihardo told The Jakarta Post on Wednesday.

Yulius added that the park’s veterinary team was currently examining the animals to determine whether the alcohol had affected their health.

It crazy… So sad to see..
@Regranned from @infoanda – #repost from @doniherdaru – Ini story dari @alyccaaa dan @philipbiondi yang terlihat 5 jam lalu. .

Sepertinya mereka ke Taman Safari, dan melakukan hal yang sangat tidak pa

Yulius thanked Instagram users for reporting the issue to Taman Safari Indonesia.

“Thank you for your concern and support toward our animals’ welfare.”

Animal welfare activists lambasted a man and woman known on Instagram as @philipbiondi and @alyccaaa for giving a hippopotamus and a deer red wine at Taman Safari Indonesia.

The actions were recorded and uploaded by the woman on her Instagram story before the videos went viral.

Friday, November 17, 2017 – 10:00


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