PM Lee highlighted the significance and historic value of the name of the LMV: “Significant, because protecting Singapore’s independence has always been a core mission of the RSN. Historic, because the name ‘Independence’ carries the legacy and spirit of the RSN pioneers starting from the first RSS Independence, the patrol craft, which played a key role during the Laju ferry hijacking in 1974.” (Photo: Justin Ong)
PM Lee further commended the efforts of RSN personnel past and present in transforming a fledgling constabulary force of just two wooden ships into a strong maritime force today. (Photo: Justin Ong)
The commissioning ceremony was held in conjunction with the RSN’s golden jubilee celebrations, which commemorates 50 years of the RSN being the maritime force for a maritime nation.
The commissioning ceremony of RSS Independence. (Photo: Howard Law)
Prime Minister Lee during the commissioning ceremony of the RSS Independence. (Photo: Howard Law)
PM Lee (left) being briefed by navy personnel from the RSS Independence during a visit to the ship. (Photo: Justin Ong)
Designed and built locally, the Independence-class LMV is jointly conceived by the RSN and the Defence Science and Technology Agency.
The commissioning ceremony for Singapore Navy’s first littoral mission vessel, RSS Independence. (Photo: Howard Law)
With the commissioning, the RSS Independence becomes fully operational and will join the rest of the Navy to safeguard Singapore’s waters, protect its sea lines of communication and contribute to regional peace and security.
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong (centre) was hosted by Chief of Navy Rear Admiral Lai Chung Han, with Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean, Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen and other senior officials from Ministry of Defence and the SAF at the commissioning ceremony. (Photo: Justin Ong)