Impressed by honesty over car accident, man invites alleged migrant worker to dinner



As painful as it must have been to see his parked car damaged, a man couldn’t help but be moved by the honesty of the culprit.

Facebook user Tong Yee recounted that he had found a piece of paper slipped on his car’s windscreen upon returning back to his vehicle on Wednesday (Sept 23) morning. 

Instead of a parking ticket, it was a note scribbled by someone who admitted to having knocked into the back of Tong’s car. An inspection revealed that his car’s bumper was indeed dented and soiled. 

Fortunately, the culprit had left his contact number to settle the matter. In a series of WhatsApp screengrabs shared in his post, Tong’s exchange with the other party — a man by the name of Shamsul, presumed to be a migrant worker — had been pretty pleasant. 

Genuinely apologetic and wanting to make amends with Tong, Shamsul was open to suggestions on how to proceed, admitting readily that it was due to his carelessness that the accident took place. 


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