ICT, IPPT to resume progressively; NSmen will be tested for Covid-19



SINGAPORE – Individual physical proficiency tests (IPPT) and in-camp training (ICT) for operationally-ready national servicemen (NSmen) will resume progressively from October, said the Ministry of Defence (Mindef) on Thursday (Sept 3).

Singapore Armed Forces NSmen whose IPPT window closes on or before Feb 7, 2021 will be granted a one-time waiver.

As part of safe management measures, NSmen returning for unit-level ICTs will be tested for Covid-19.

Mindef provided these updates in a Facebook post and said the testing of NSmen would help “prevent, detect and contain Covid-19 infections”.

From Oct 1, Fitness Conditioning Centres at various camps will also reopen for IPPT.

Mindef said the tests will be conducted “at a reduced capacity and group size, and in accordance with safe management measures to safeguard the health and well-being of NSmen”.

It explained that the one-time waiver of IPPT requirements for NSmen whose IPPT window closes on or before Feb 7, 2021 was due to the earlier closure of fitness centres and the gradual pace of reopening.

Those exempted will be informed individually via SMS and a letter this month.


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