I can't smell the orange: NUS don tested positive for Covid-19 after losing sense of smell



SINGAPORE – Mr Hugh Mason realised on Monday (March 23) that he had lost his sense of smell.

“My wife was peeling an orange and I thought, that’s weird, I can’t smell it ,” the 53-year-old told The Straits Times on Saturday.

Mr Mason, an adjunct associate professor at the National University of Singapore’s Faculty of Engineering, said that he had read reports online that Covid-19 could be associated with a loss of smell in certain cases.

So he consulted his doctor, who sent him to be tested for the coronavirus on Thursday.

Mr Mason then returned home and self-isolated while waiting for the results. The next day, he received a call asking him to return for further tests.

These came back positive and he was warded for Covid-19 at SGH on Friday.

Mr Mason said that he had already come down with a cold around March 10 that had turned into fever by March 22.

His 50-year-old wife also tested positive for the virus on Saturday and is isolated at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases.

Their 13-year-old son is currently self-isolating at home with the family’s domestic helper.


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