HSA warns against 'weight-loss' herbal products for 'dangerously high' levels of banned substance


SINGAPORE — The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) has cautioned the public against buying and consuming two weight loss products that were found to have potent levels of undeclared medicine that can cause adverse side effects including high blood pressure, hallucinations and increased risk of heart attacks and strokes.

The two products, Anyang Herbal Blue and Anyang Herbal Red, were sold by Jessie Cosmetics on social media as well as directly to the owner’s friends, and were touted to have “no side effects”. They were marketed as weight loss products, and labelled “100% natural ingredients”. 

But, a woman in her late 20s who took Anyang Herbal Blue complained of heart palpitations, nausea, trembling of hands and legs, sweating, insomnia and illusions. The HSA found “dangerously high levels” sibutramine, which is a banned substance. Based on the labels on the two products, a consumer would be consuming eight times the maximum daily allowable amount of sibutramine.

Sibutramine has been banned in Singapore since 2010 due to an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes, the HSA said in a statement on Monday (Mar 6). Other possible side effects include high blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, hallucinations and mood swings. 

Meanwhile, Anyang Herbal Red was tested to contain undeclared potent western medicines: diclofenac (a painkiller) and phenolphthalein (a laxative).

The seller has been ordered to stop sale of the products and is assisting in HSA’s investigations

The HSA also advised members of public who have purchased either of the products to stop taking them immediately and to consult a doctor if they feel unwell or are concerned about their health. The authorities also reminded consumers to be wary of health products that promise quick and miraculous results or carry exaggerated claims like “100 per cent natural ingredients”, “no side effects” or “100 per cent safe”.

Anyone found guilty of supplying illegal health products may be jailed for up to three years and fined up to $100,000. 

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