How demonetisation helped India debunk the myth about using phones at petrol stations



India’s decision to invalidate much of its cash may have incurred a lot of discomfort to millions, but it has also unintentionally helped bust an age-old myth.

Indians no longer have to worry about whipping out their smartphones at petrol stations. The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion has told the country’s Petroleum Ministry that it is completely safe to use mobile phones at fuel stations (known locally as petrol pumps).

Read also: Use of mobile phones at petrol stations do not cause fires: Experts

India, much like many other countries, has warned commuters for years about not using mobile phones at gas stations amid safety concerns. A wild theory is that mobile phones could emit sparks that could result in a fire. The myth has been debunked by many over the years. The Indian government is finally acknowledging it.

The move comes as Indians struggle to obtain enough tender bills, and have been stranded with no choice but to use mobile wallets and other epayment solutions that require them to use a smartphone.

Read also: Woman suffers serious burns while using phone at petrol station in Malaysia

“We want to promote digital transactions and bust any myths about phone use being overtly dangerous at petrol pumps,” a senior government official was quoted as saying.

The notice comes amid safety concerns from many people and refinery companies alike about growing usage of smartphones at petrol stations and whether it was a safe practice.

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Publication Date:
Friday, December 23, 2016 – 21:27
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