Hotels to be open for staycations again with safe management measures in place



Locals will soon be able to opt for staycations in hotels again as Singapore passes the one-month mark into phase two of the post-circuit breaker period.

Hotels are facing the worst occupancy rates in history, with foreign visitor arrivals to Singapore all but dried up due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Singapore Tourism Board (STB) announced on Friday (July 3) that hotels may now apply to resume two activities: Providing accommodation to guests for the purpose of leisure, and opening their recreation areas for children.

But all must adhere to various safe management measures to do so, the STB said in its advisory.

The STB said that the safe management measures that each hotel must comply with include reducing capacity and inter-mingling of hotel visitors in the hotel’s lobby and guest facilities, such as disallowing more than five individuals from different households from gathering in any guest room.

The hotel must also screen every individual for symptoms, including a fever or a runny nose, before allowing anyone to enter the hotel or each guest facility.


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