Hosting Trump-Kim summit will give Singapore publicity; to cost S$20m, says PM Lee


SINGAPORE: Hosting the Trump-Kim summit will give Singapore publicity and says something about the country’s standing in the international community, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Sunday (Jun 10).

Speaking to Singapore media at the International Media Centre ahead of the planned Trump-Kim summit on Tuesday, Mr Lee said: “In terms of direct impact, (hosting the summit) gives us publicity. 

“The fact that we have been chosen as the site of the meeting, we did not ask for it … it says something about Singapore relations with the parties … and our standing in the international community,” he added. 

PM Lee added that from Singapore’s point of view, it is important that the meeting takes place and has a positive outcome – one that sets developments “on a new trajectory, and will be conducive to the stability and security in the region”. 

“When the two sides asked us to host the meeting, we couldn’t say no. We have to step up and we can. We are capable of doing it, we have put some resources into it, but we can do a good job,” he said. 

Mr Lee confirmed that Singapore will spend about S$20 million on the summit. On the amount spent, Mr Lee said: “We are willing to pay and its our contribution to an international endeavour which is in our profound interest.” 

Earlier on Sunday morning, Mr Lee visited the Singapore Armed Forces operations deployment in Sentosa and the Home Team Command at the Police headquarters.

PM Lee at IMC

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong speaking with officers at the Home Team command post for the summit meeting between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. (Photo: Gaya Chandramohan)

On the preparations so far, Mr Lee said: “They’ve (SAF, police, MCI) done a good job, not just their own pieces but being able to put in all together and to integrate and coordinate. And they’re all ready for operations for the next few days. 

Mr Lee will have separate meetings with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and US President Donald Trump. Mr Lee will meet Mr Kim on Jun 10 and Mr Trump on Jun 11. 

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