Heroes Among Us: A befriender who is like family to the elderly



They live alone. Some have lost their wife, husband or children.

For many of these seniors, the night visits from a stranger is something that they look forward to.

Ms Ng Run Qian, 29, is one such “stranger”.

Since volunteering with Lions Befrienders in 2009 when she was still a National University of Singapore undergraduate, Ms Ng has befriended about 90 seniors in Clementi and Mountbatten.

Together with the Befrienders team, she visits the seniors at their homes at night, chatting and providing a listening ear.

In this episode of Heroes Among Us, Ms Ng, who works as a maths tutor, talks about how these seniors have come to regard her as family, and even call her their god-daughter.

The eight-part video series explores the stories of ordinary Singaporeans who overcome challenges to pursue extraordinary lives.

This article was first published on Feb 5, 2017.
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Tuesday, February 7, 2017 – 11:17
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