Housing Board (HDB) resale prices fell by 0.3 per cent last month, compared to November.
Resale prices of flats in mature estates dipped by 0.2 per cent, while those in non-mature estates dropped by 0.4 per cent, according to the latest data released by SRX Property yesterday.
There were also fewer resale flats transacted last month, with HDB resale data showing that 1,364 resale units were sold, a 13.9 per cent drop from the 1,585 transacted units in November.
Year on year, resale flat prices decreased by 0.2 per cent, compared to December 2015, the SRX Property Price Sub-Indices showed.
The year-on-year comparison also showed that prices in mature estates increased by 1 per cent, while those in non-mature dipped by 1.2 per cent last month.
SRX Property also said the overall median transaction over X-Value (TOX) for HDB was zero last month.
The median TOX measures how much people are overpaying or underpaying against the computer-generated estimated market value or the X-Value.
Read also: Govt may tweak resale terms for prime HDB flats
HDB resale prices seen remaining stable
This article was first published on Jan 06, 2017.
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