HDB, PUB respond to Bedok resident's complaints of 'contaminated' water supply in 'nightmare flat'



The Housing and Development Board (HDB) and Public Utilities Board (PUB) have responded to a woman’s complaints of water supply to her Bedok flat being contaminated and affecting her family’s quality of life.

Geraldine Tang shared with Stomp the issues she has been facing since 2015 when she moved into her Design, Build and Sell Scheme (DBSS) flat at Belvia in Bedok Reservoir.

Tang, who is in her early 60s, listed them in a Facebook post she published on July 4.

Describing the problems as “impossible”, she said that her bathrooms are smelly and invaded by “sewage and foul odours” from her neighbours.

She shared photos of stains on the walls of her flat and said that their feet itch due to “microbial debris” on the floor.

Tang alleged that the bathrooms turn into “saunas” when her neighbours take hot showers and that they have a “hot toilet bowl” because heat rises from there.

She also shared that there is “bacteria” in her tap water making it unusable and that her family fear suffering skin and urinary infections from contact with the water.


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