Have you seen any Mother's Day wishlist half as hip as this?


Mother’s Day is fast approaching, but many of us may still be at a loss for gift ideas. After all, what do you give the person who has given you everything?

The folks over at online retailer Lazada have the perfect answer.

In the ad by creative agency Ultra Super New, a mother was asked what she would like her son to give her for Mother’s Day. She thought about it for a while, before breaking out in a rap.

Yes, you read that right. Turns out the mother is “Muminem”, and she does a pretty good rap!

on Facebook

What was the last thing that you bought your mom? 😢 >> http://lzd.co/2pZqpT5

Posted by Lazada on Tuesday, 9 May 2017

It starts off with a summary of every working mother’s struggle: “Home from work, mop the house, and cook your meals for you.”

Then it escalates, with the help of local social media personalities Youtiao666, to a list of items that Muminem would really like her son to give her for Mother’s Day, including a yoga mat, a back massage, and a designer wallet.

For that last one, Muminem adds as a scathing afterthought, “Ok wait, I don’t think you can afford it.”

Ohh, burn! (Sorry ma, my internship pay not enough. Few more years, okay?)

Muminem’s hapless son then makes an appearance, saying, “This ain’t emotional blackmail” before he hands his mother money. Of course, it isn’t – there just happen to be two knife-wielding ladies standing next to him, dangerously close to his neck. What blackmail?

Photos: This is the hippest Mother’s Day video we’ve ever seen

While our mothers might be bemused if they were to watch the video, we love how cheeky it is and how ‘hashtag relatable’ it is for us millennials. At first we did find it slightly cringeworthy, but on second (and third, and fourth) watch, one has to hand it to Lazada for the hilarious take on Mother’s Day, which is more frequently associated with sentimental videos reminding us to appreciate our mothers.

We weren’t the only ones who loved it. Comments on the Facebook post were filled with praise from amused viewers, and some even sent the video to their own mothers!

Seriously, this is the hippest way of making a Mother’s Day video, ever. 

And doubly serious, do remember to take time out this Mother’s Day to spend with your mother. Hopefully she won’t threaten you with knives… or anything like that. 


Friday, May 12, 2017 – 12:05



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