Guy from dating app turns nasty after getting rejected, says he's got $354,000 to show her she's 'missing out'



In this digital age, more people are trying out online dating in their quest to find love.

However, like any form of dating, women may have to sift through a handful of frogs before finding their prince.

Stomp contributor Carrine decided to sign up for Facebook Dating on Friday (Oct 18) and received a message from a match the next morning.

They exchanged numbers and started chatting but on Sunday afternoon, the conversation took a turn.

“It got really weird and nasty,” Carrine told Stomp.

“He started chatting with me through the Facebook Dating app and because I was seldom on Facebook, I agreed to continue the conversation through WhatsApp.

“He was chatty from the beginning, telling me about himself and asking me what I’m doing, where I’m from, where I live and so on.

“It was getting to the extent that I didn’t feel like sharing too much so I stopped for a while.


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