Guns N' Roses concert-goers can now receive online refunds for unused credits


SINGAPORE: Guns N Roses’ concert-goers who bought credits for food and drink but were unable to redeem them via their RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) wristbands will be able to receive refunds via a website operated by concert organiser LAMC.

In a media release on Tuesday (Mar 14), LAMC said the portal – – is live. 

It added that concert-goers need to set up a PayPal account – if they do not already have one – as the refunds will be credited through the online payments system. Setting up a PayPal account is free. 

“Concert-goers (seeking RFID wristband credit refunds) with Paypal accounts ready should then access the refund portal,” LAMC said. 

In addition to their personal details, concert-goers will also need to key in the alpha-numeric serial number found on their RFID wristbands for verification purposes, the concert organiser added. 

The news could come as a relief to concert-goers who have yet to get a refund for their unused credits nearly two and a half weeks after the show – Guns N’ Roses’ first in Singapore. Tech provider behind the RFID wristbands, Sandpiper Digital Payments, had said there were about S$140,000 worth of credits to be refunded following the concert.

Sandpiper and LAMC have publicly accused each other of delaying the refunds process, with the latter saying it was consulting its lawyers on the matter.

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