Great Singapore Sale cancelled this year amid Covid-19 outbreak



SINGAPORE – There will be no Great Singapore Sale (GSS) this year.

This will be the first time in the 26-year history of the event – usually held between June and August – that it will not be taking place.

The Singapore Retailers Association (SRA), which organises the GSS, told The Straits Times that it will “take a break this year in the light of the Covid-19 pandemic”.

“It will return next year to offer local and tourist shoppers the ‘Great Singapore Experience’, both offline and online,” said SRA’s executive director Rose Tong.

The annual event – where retailers traditionally serve up discounts and promotions – underwent a revamp last year amid criticism that it had lost its relevance. Its duration was cut by half and it was expanded to include festivities such as a pop-up market, fashion shows and film screenings.

The cancellation comes as little surprise as the sale – timed to coincide with the school holidays as well as peak travel season – will likely fall flat even if shops are allowed to reopen when the circuit breaker ends on June 1.


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