Good class bungalow, massage chair, mask: Uncommon kim zua to burn for the Hungry Ghost Festival



If you have seen bonfires around Singapore recently, there’s no need to panic (as long as it’s not at the foot of a HDB flat).

It’s a sign that the Hungry Ghost Festival is upon us, during which souls and spirits of the dead are believed to wander the earth and cause mischief if left alone.

Also known as Zhong Yuan Jie in Chinese, the festival is held on the 15th night of the seventh month of the Chinese calendar, which falls on Sep 2 this year.

Traditionally, paper offerings are burnt during this period to appease the spirits and take care of their needs even in the afterlife, be it in the form of money, watches or jewellery.

But did you know that there are other things you can burn as well?

Here are some uncommon ones:


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