Going cashless pays off in the long run for soya bean hawker



Mr Goy Thuan Heng introduced cashless payments at his soya bean stall in West Coast Hawker Centre five years ago, but it was more trouble than it was worth at first.

“No one used the cashless system for most days in the first one to two years. At most, there were three customers,” said the 57-year-old in Mandarin on Thursday (June 4).

“At that time, I also had to pay a monthly fee of $28 for the device and the payment options were limited.”

The tide has slowly begun to turn.

Mr Goy, who has been plying his trade at the centre for 24 years, said he now makes around 10 cashless transactions daily with a peak of more than 20 during weekends, although they still account for only 3 per cent to 5 per cent of his total takings.

He is also using the unified Singapore Quick Response Code (SGQR) e-payments solution launched in 2018.

It lets stallholders receive payments through 19 different providers, including PayLah, Dash and GrabPay, and Mr Goy is no longer paying a monthly fee.

Mr Goy said the good thing about going cashless is the time saved from having to count out change for customers.


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