Get Out!! Celebrate Christmas all year round at this German restaurant in Singapore



Get Out!! is a bi-weekly video series where our hosts go out and discover new things around Singapore.

This week, Le En and Marcus head to a restaurant in Singapore where it feels like Christmas all year round!

Christmas is almost upon us and feasting is probably at the top of everyone’s minds. Next to gifting, of course. 

But why slave over the stove when you can enjoy a Christmas feast in cool, calming environs — otherwise known as restaurants?

And what better place to do that than one that’s all decked out in traditional Yuletide revelry to give you all the Christmas feels: Stuttgart Blackforest Boutique S-Cafe.

PHOTO: AsiaOne

Long name notwithstanding, S-Cafe serves up the best cuisine of Swabia, a cultural region in southwest Germany of which Stuttgart is its capital.

In case you’re wondering, the ‘S’ in S-Cafe stands for ‘Sonder’, which means ‘special’, in German. 


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