GE2020: Voters advised to take public transport, walk to polling stations


SINGAPORE: Voters should take public transport or walk to their polling stations on Friday (Jul 10), the police said on Wednesday.

Parking will not be allowed within the premises of polling stations located in schools and community centres, the police said in a security advisory.

Parking will also not be allowed along the roads near polling stations, and vehicles found parking indiscriminately or causing obstruction will be towed away.

“There will be special drop-off points at polling stations for vehicles conveying elderly or physically disabled persons. Drivers can approach the duty election officials for assistance and directions,” the police said.

READ: What are the COVID-19 safety measures for Polling Day? Here’s what voters need to know

Bags and other belongings brought into the polling stations will be subjected to security checks, the police said, adding that sharp objects, flammable liquids, bulky items or large bags should not be brought along.

Voters should also leave the polling station after casting their votes and not loiter around the vicinity.

safe voting covid-19 sg measures

In light of the COVID-19 situation, the Elections Department will be implementing measures to ensure the safe and smooth conduct of polling, the police said.

This includes temperature screening of all voters at the start of the queue, wearing of masks by voters, ensuring safe distancing at all times and enforcing stringent hygiene practices at polling stations.

READ: COVID-19: Recommended time-bands for voters to cast ballots among new safety measures for elections

“Members of the public are advised to be socially responsible and to comply with these measures and the advice of election officials, to ensure a safe and smooth election process for everyone,” the police said.

Action will be taken against those who are unruly, disobey the direction of election officials or commit any offence, the police added.

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