GE2020: PAP members look and sound the same because we're consistent, says Grace Fu



As the last People’s Action Party (PAP) member to speak in the final Constituency Political Broadcast (CPB) aired today (July 8), Grace Fu spared some time to rebut some common misconceptions about the ruling party.

PAP members may appear similar to each other because they are consistent and share the same values, affirmed Fu, who is also Minister for Culture, Community and Youth.

“Some of you said that we look the same, sound the same. Indeed, we are consistent in that we are pragmatic, trustworthy.

“We do what we say, and we will only say what we will do.”

The party holds dear values such as integrity, fairness and service, she added.

“And because the PAP candidates share these values, we sometimes sound the same.”

Fu’s statements come after brickbats from the Opposition accusing the PAP of being full of “yes-men” as well as online chatter on their candidates “following the same script”.


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