SINGAPORE: The National Solidarity Party (NSP) on Wednesday (Jul 1) showcased their candidates for Sembawang and Tampines GRCs, where they will run against the incumbent People’s Action Party (PAP) in the General Election.
In two “get to know our candidates” posts on Facebook, the NSP delved into the backgrounds of the candidates for the two constituencies.
READ: GE2020: PAP team led by Ong Ye Kung to face NSP in Sembawang GRC
READ: GE2020: Refreshed PAP team to face challenge from NSP in Tampines GRC
In their posts, the party also focused on the Government’s performance during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the need to look again at policies on employment and the need for more government accountability.
“Many companies have ceased operation(s) and many more will follow. The unemployment rate of Singaporean(s) will hit an all-time high, and many companies may not be able to recover,” the party wrote in their post introducing the candidates for Tampines GRC.
“If the ruling party is returned to power come Jul 10, 2020 with a strong mandate – it implies that they are doing a good job,” said the party. “I believe Singaporeans know better. It is time to ‘do the next right thing’.”
In their post for the Sembawang GRC candidates, the NSP said that there would be no accountability if the PAP has a “super-majority” in Parliament.
“No one is immune to mistakes. The opposition can offer perspectives which the PAP may miss out.”
NSP’s secretary-general Spencer Ng, 40, has been a business consultant to several local companies since 2009. He has been with the party for 10 years, contesting in Marine Parade GRC in the 2011 General Election and Sembawang GRC in the 2015 General Election.

NSP candidate for GE2020 Spencer Ng. (Photo: National Solidarity Party)
This year, he will run in Sembawang GRC against a PAP team led by Education Minister Ong Ye Kung.
“He is actively involved in local charity works and constantly tapping on his networks to aid the underprivileged,” said his bio sheet.
Mr Ng’s focus areas include building a better quality of life for all Singaporeans, ensuring that Singaporeans are happy, confident and “filled with soul and spirited” as well as making Singapore less stressful as a country.
He hopes to achieve this by formulating and pushing policies in Parliament.
Managing director of Knight Royal Management International Sebastian Teo, 73, has been with NSP for more than 20 years. He is currently the party’s head of advisory committee, but served as president between 2006 and 2017.

NSP candidate for GE2020 Sebastian Teo. (Photo: National Solidarity Party)
He will run in Sembawang GRC this election.
Mr Teo was previously the general manager of a British multinational company in Taipei and general manager of a main-board listed company subsidiary in China, according to his bio sheet.
His areas of concern include “Singaporeans’ apprehension over the escalating cost of living”, increasing income disparity and “Singaporeans’ difficulties in coping with soaring property prices, competitive employment opportunities and overcrowding of public infrastructure”.
NSP treasurer Ivan Yeo, 72, is a business consultant. He previously worked in the civil service and has “vast experience” in personnel and organisation management, serving as a member of the Singapore delegate for ASEAN meetings on transportation.

NSP candidate for GE2020 Ivan Yeo Tiong Boon. (Photo: National Solidarity Party)
His bio sheet stated that he was also a co-opted committee member of the Automobile Association of Singapore for more than five terms.
Mr Yeo, who has been with NSP since 1995, will run in Sembawang GRC.
His concerns include the increasing cost of living for Singaporeans and income disparity.
“Ivan wishes to contest to represent the low-medium income Singaporeans, as he understands the frustrations and needs of the people,” said his bio sheet.
Yadzeth Hairis, 57, is a business development director at DCA management. He is in charge of Muslim affairs in the party, and has been active with the NSP since 1997. He previously ran in Sembawang GRC in the 2015 General Election.

NSP candidate for GE2020 Yadzeth Hairis. (Photo: National Solidarity Party)
He will contest Sembawang GRC again this year.
Mr Yadzeth’s focus areas include the high cost of living as well as professionals, managers, executives and technicians (PMETs) affected by the Singapore-India Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA).
Some claims that CECA has allowed Indian nationals to take PMET jobs for Singaporeans emerged last year, after an expletive-laden video surfaced online, showing a man lashing out at a security guard at the Eight Riversuites condominium.
Following the incident Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing said that CECA does not grant Indian nationals unconditional access into Singapore or immigration privileges.
“Yadzeth wishes to bring improvements to the lives of the residents at Sembawang and fellow Singaporeans. Also, to help the future generation have a less stressful environment to grow up in,” his bio sheet said.
Sathin Ravindran, 27, owns a car detailing studio He has been a member of NSP since 2019, and has been contributing behind the scenes, said the party. He is pursuing an education in real estate.

NSP candidate for GE2020 Sathin Ravindran. (Photo: National Solidarity Party)
He will contest Sembawang GRC.
His focus areas are improving the lives of Singaporeans, making public housing affordable for future generations and an “improved country with citizens that are happy”.
“Being a Gen Y, Sathin comprehends the tremendous amount of stress of the young adults and for the future generation due to the increasing cost of living and competitive workforce environment.
“The current system has so much more to improve (and) make lives better for the many generations to come,” his bio sheet said.
NSP’s president Fong Chin Leong, 51, is an engineer in the fire safety industry who will run in Tampines GRC this election.

NSP candidate for GE2020 Fong Chin Leong. (Photo: National Solidarity Party)
He was an NSP candidate for the same constituency in the 2015 and 2011 General Elections as well.
He said that it is a “great privilege” to contest for the constituency again, and hopes that his party’s presence had “made a difference by ensuring the ruling party worked harder for you”.
He noted that the party objected to holding this year’s General Election amid the COVID-19 pandemic, and urged voters to take care of themselves during this period, particularly on polling day when “there will be a surge in human traffic”.
Mohd Ridzwan, 58, is NSP’s vice-president and a senior manager at a construction multinational firm. He will contest Tampines GRC in this election.

NSP candidate for GE2020 Mohd Ridzwan. (Photo: National Solidarity Party)
He has “vast experience in both Statutory Board and private entities” and has been “actively taking part in volunteerism and grassroot activities”, said NSP.
Mr Ridzwan, who has been with the party since 2015, highlighted two issues in particular he wishes to champion – more assistance for single parents, parents with special needs children, caregivers, and the underprivileged, as well as reducing the high cost of living in Singapore.
Yeo Ren-Yuan, 44, will contest Tampines GRC in the 2020 General Election, after running for Sembawang GRC in 2015, under the NSP as well.

NSP candidate for GE2020 Yeo Ren-Yuan. (Photo: National Solidarity Party)
Mr Yeo has been a central executive committee member with NSP since 2012 and is a business owner with vast experience in real estate, oil and gas, construction and aviation, his bio sheet wrote.
“He wants to play a part in contributing towards the improvement for this nation, and towards a better Singapore.”
He said that his main concerns are the rising cost of living, unaffordable housing and PMETs who are displaced from their jobs.
“He strongly believes that more could have been done to improve the lives of Singaporeans,” his bio sheet said.
Vincent Ng, 48, is a broker and recruiter in the private security sector. He was formerly a financial controller and manager in several multinational firms.

NSP candidate for GE2020 Vincent Ng. (Photo: National Solidarity Party)
According to his bio sheet, Mr Ng has been a member of NSP since 2011 and is actively involved in grassroots activities. He will be contesting Tampines GRC in the 2020 General Election.
Mr Ng’s focus areas include PMETs affected by the CECA and the Government’s transparency.
“We must exercise our ownership rights, birth rights to claim, protect and to fight for our fellow Singaporeans’ interests,” his bio sheet said, adding that there must be a chance given to develop Singapore into “a fair and equal country with a Government with empathy and graciousness”.
Mr Choong, 49, is a business development director in the real estate industry and will be contesting Tampines GRC in the 2020 General Election.

NSP candidate for GE2020 Choong Hon Heng. (Photo: National Solidarity Party)
He has mentored youths, is actively involved in various charities, and previously volunteered with the National Council of Social Service, Chao Yang special school and the Singapore Association of the Deaf.
The three main causes he would like to champion are: Promoting and improving job security among Singaporeans, being a voice for small businesses and the self-employed and improving the local workforce.
“Choong Hon Heng seeks to improve the camaraderie between Singaporeans and improve the employment rate for Singaporeans,” his bio sheet said.
BOOKMARK THIS: Our comprehensive coverage of GE2020 and its developments
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