Foreign workers who recover from Covid-19 moved into SuperStar Gemini cruise ship



SINGAPORE – Foreign workers who have recovered from Covid-19 have started moving into the cruise ship SuperStar Gemini after it passed an assessment by various agencies.

The Singapore Tourism Board (STB) said in a Facebook post on Friday (May 1) that the first workers boarded the ship on Wednesday (April 29) from Marina Bay Cruise Centre.

There are en suite toilets, in-cabin dining and strict infection control and safe distancing measures aboard the ship, as well as Wi-Fi, in-cabin entertainment and scheduled outdoor time.

“Fresh air is piped into the ship, and no air will be re-circulated between cabins and common areas,” STB added.

“These are part of the Government’s efforts to transfer workers to alternative living areas to reduce the spread of the virus within their dormitories.”

Another cruise ship, the SuperStar Aquarius, has also passed evaluation checks and is ready to receive more workers.


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