Family has dance-off outside flat to celebrate end of dad's stay-home notice



As we move halfway through week two of the “circuit breaker” implementation, some of us are already feeling the effects of staying at home—from feeling boredom to missing the physical interaction with friends and other loved ones, just to name a few.

With that, we can only imagine how it feels like to be issued a quarantine order or stay-home notice (SHN) where leaving one’s own house is strictly not allowed, not even to get food and essential items. Besides that, the individual would also have to minimise contact with family members by isolating themselves in a separate room.

So when Singapore dad, Saravana Moorthy, completed his 14-day SHN and could finally be with his family, it was a cause for celebration for everyone.

End of stay-home notice: Dance-off outside flat as celebration

To mark the special occasion, the family came up with a fun idea to welcome their dad back.


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