Fake news law invoked for 2nd time in 4 days, States Times Review directed to correct Facebook post



SINGAPORE – The person who runs the Facebook page of alternative news site States Times Review was directed on Thursday (Nov 28) under the Republic’s fake news law to correct false statements in a post on the page.

This is the second time the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (Pofma) has been invoked after it was used on Monday in relation to a separate Facebook post by opposition party member Brad Bowyer.

The Pofma Office said on Thursday that it was instructed by Home Affairs Minister K. Shanmugam to issue a correction direction to Mr Alex Tan Zhi Xiang over a post on the States Times Review Facebook page on Nov 23.

The post was over a People’s Action Party (PAP) member and a Nussu-NUS Students United Facebook post.

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) said in a statement that the States Times Review Facebook page was required to carry a correction notice stating that its article contains falsehoods.

On Nov 23, the Facebook page put up a post in relation to a post by the Nussu-NUS Students United Facebook page, which is one of several pages parodying the NUS Students’ Union or Nussu.


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