Excitement, nerves as Singapore starts phased reopening from coronavirus circuit breaker



Heidi Tan, 13, is excited. The Secondary One student is eager to see her classmates after an eight-week hiatus that began when Singapore imposed its so called circuit breaker early in April to control the spread of the coronavirus.

“She’s looking forward to seeing friends in person and going back to teasing her classmates,” her mother, Michelle Tan, said.

This partial lockdown was relaxed on Tuesday as Singapore took its first steps to reopen, with pupils back in the classroom and 75 per cent of the economy resuming. Only graduating pupils can attend school every day, however.

Others like Tan will rotate weekly between the classroom and continuing with home-based learning.

Dental clinics, chiropractors and air conditioning servicing were among the businesses allowed to operate again.

Public transport also began running more frequently – during off-peak periods, trains arrive every five minutes compared to 10 minutes for the past few weeks. And the green and orange stickers plastered over alternate train and bus seats to enforce social distancing have been removed.


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