ERP rates along certain stretches of the CTE will be increased



The Land Transport Authority (LTA) has completed its latest review of Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) rates following the end of the Circuit Breaker.

Based on LTA’s monitoring of traffic conditions in September 2020, traffic speeds have remained optimal on all arterial roads and most expressways, except for some time periods on the Central Expressway (CTE).

As more people travel to and from their workplaces, traffic volume has continued to build up during weekday peak hours. This has led to localised congestion at specific locations along the CTE during peak periods.

To manage this, ERP rates will be adjusted by $1 with effect from 12 October 2020 at specific gantries on the CTE during the following time periods:

Southbound CTE after Braddell Road & PIE Slip Road into Southbound CTE – Set of 4 gantries

From 8.30am to 9.30am: From $0 to $1

Northbound CTE after PIE – Set of 2 gantries

From 6.00pm to 6.30pm: From $2 to $3

Still no ERP on other roads

Apart from these stretches, there will not be any ERP charges on other roads.


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