Emma Stone has responded to the high school student from Arizona in the United States who filmed a “prom-posal” inspired by the opening number Another Day In The Sun in La La Land.
On Good Morning America on Aril 7, 17-year old Jacob Staudenmaier revealed that Stone sent him a letter admiring his work on the video, but said that she wouldn’t be able to attend due to working abroad.
“Jacob, thanks for making the greatest proposal I have ever received,” Stone wrote. “I can’t tell you what an honour that was and how much I smiled through that entire beautifully orchestrated video. I’m in London working, but I hope you have the best time at prom, and I’m grateful you thought of me. Thank you. P.S. I do see Gosling around the eyes. Love, Emma.”
Read also: Teen asks actress Emma Stone to prom by recreating ‘La La Land’ opening number
Staudenmaier, an aspiring filmmaker, told ABC earlier that the original inspiration came from another high school student who asked Miley Cyrus to prom a few years ago. “She didn’t actually go to prom with him, but he was invited to one of her concerts and got to go up on stage with her, so I think it worked out,” he explained.
After being told by friends that he resembles La La Land star Ryan Gosling in Remember The Titans, he used the compliment as a line in his video: “People say I look like Ryan Gosling, and maybe that’s a big far-fetched,” he sings.
Read also: Emma Stone wins best actress Oscar for ‘La La Land’
Though Staudenmaier knew asking the Oscar winner out would likely not come into fruition, he said that his real goal was to captivate Stone’s attention – and he knew he had to accomplish something quite impressive to make that happen.
“If I was going to do it, I had to do something more ambitious and bigger in scale,” Staudenmaier told ABC.