Elderly man in viral sundry shop photo says he makes enough to get by



A picture speaks a thousand words.

It may be common knowledge that businesses have taken a hit during the ongoing pandemic, but a recent Facebook photo of a lone elderly man tending to an old school sundry shop still hit many in the feels.

The photo, uploaded by one Joan Sami K on Aug 29, was also accompanied by an impassioned plea for netizens to support the man’s store at North Bridge Road Market and Food Centre.

“It’s late and yet he is still hanging on,” she wrote.

“He’s earning an honest livelihood through hard work, not begging for a living. Support your local little shops. They have it tougher than the big supermarkets.”

The picture, showing the simple, rustic shop surrounded by other shuttered businesses, garnered over 24,000 shares at the time of writing and more than a few sympathetic comments.

“Sad to see that at his age, he has to go through long hours [of] work. He must be from the generation that cherish resilience and self-reliance,” one commenter said.


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