Dry and warm days expected for first two weeks of February


SINGAPORE – The weather forecast for the first half of February is expected to be drier and warmer than the wet weather experienced in the last two weeks of January.

The prevailing northeast monsoon season is expected to enter its dry phaser, with occasionally windy conditions, according to a statement from Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS) on Wednesday (Feb 1).

During the first fortnight of February, the low level winds are forecast to blow predominantly from the northeast or northwest. The daily temperature is expected to range between 23°C and 33°C, and could reach a high of around 34°C on some days.

February is climatologically the driest month of the year, according to the MSS, but short thundery showers can still be expected on several days during these two weeks, mostly in the afternoon.

Rainfall for the first half of February 2017 is forecast to be below normal.

For updates of the daily weather forecast, visit the MSS website (www.weather.gov.sg), NEA website (www.nea.gov.sg), or download the myENV app, MSS’ Weather@SG app.



Publication Date: 
Wednesday, February 1, 2017 – 21:04
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