Driven to tears? Sheng Siong employee chided in front of customers



We’ve all had a rough day or two at work. But what if your bad day was immortalised in a viral video?

A hapless Sheng Siong Supermarket cashier won some online sympathy after footage of her appearing to shed tears while getting an earful from another employee made its rounds on Facebook on Tuesday (August 11).

Posted on Facebook page All Singapore Stuff, the minute-long clip showed a covertly-filmed exchange between the two at the checkout area of one of the supermarket chain’s outlets.

The cashier, dressed in blue, dabbed at her eyes with a tissue as the employee in red questioned why she was not able to complete her stocktaking duties.

“When you have no customers, continue counting the cigarettes while you wait for the next customer. Is this so difficult,” he asked her in Mandarin.

The cashier protested that she was not able to cope as she still had to serve customers, to which he countered, “You have such a long time over the whole day. You can’t finish it in eight hours?”


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