Dr M to baying crowd: Come after me after we get rid of Najib


The former PM seeks to win over hostile Reformasi supporters.

Dr M to baying crowd: Come after me after we get rid of Najib

The former PM seeks to win over hostile Reformasi supporters.



  1. Berani sungguh Tun M hadir walaupun dia tahu akan disorak. Ada orang tu gebang nak datang #nothing2hide tapi hilang telur disaat akhir. Asyik bagi syarahan je, tapi takut nak berdebat. Bila bagi syarahan, takyah jawab soalan susah. Betul tak?

  2. Well, this I have to agree with Mahathir. Some people just can’t look at the overall big pictures as to what’s currently happening in the entire Federation of Malaysia under Jibby and the entire BN government.

  3. Well said tun m … wow this is what i call a true leader … ! Our pm has been brushing aside tun m with no show at all … is that how u want your pm to be …. wow!

  4. Woahh “”come to me after rid of pm””.. .well I agree, Malaysia will become Greece’s that always had currency problem and debt if the no1 continues to create more debt and project that increase debt…

  5. What is past is past….You can’t turn back the clock. He’s right in saying we must focus what’s at hand. That’s paramount to another others lest something’s that’s 40 yrs old..

  6. Respect for you Tun. Well said and truly a true statesman. No matter what anyone said, they can’t deny you had given the citizens of Malaysia 22 years of prosperity and peace where everyone lived in harmony. Now anyone with a conscience can testify to that.

  7. Funny when a 91year old ex premiere can still speak at public forums, while our current fella don’t even dare appear in any public forums. Kesian nia Malaysia (even giving him chance to clear his name on the “accusation” of him stealing billions, he decided not to speak)

  8. “Apa yang utama (difikirkan semua pihak) ialah, apakah kita boleh bersatu dan jatuhkan kerajaan Najib serta kita jadi kerajaan.
    “Lepas itu kalau nak ambil tindakan ke atas saya, ambik laaa…” katanya disambut tepukan dan sorakan sekali lagi.

  9. This is a mark of a true leader. Willing to stake his claim even against a hostile crowd. Unlike mo1 who rather play hide and seek to avoid the tough questions. Najib, your actions is proof that you are mo1 and responsible for the 1mdb debacle.

  10. Bravo Tun M, at the age of 91 indeed u can rest and enjoy your remaining life at home….but u choose to come forward regardless of the curse from enemies just to save Malaysian

  11. What goes around always comes around! Lopsided toll agreements, Mas, Proton, Perwaja, Bank Bumi, Commission and Crony culture, Forex gamblings, sabotaging the education system in favour of rich and wealthy, inadequate succession planning, OSA & ISA abuses, suppression of freedom of press, Controlling judiciary and reducing the powers of Sultans, project IC, creation of fear of racial and religious violence, 1Mdb so on and so forth.

  12. Dr M hang all his personnal agenda aside- just to save the country,truely a Great PM, please respect this aged 92 Statesman.His legacy every citizen must hats off.Welcome Tun back to resQ the drowning Malaysia, OUR BELOVED COUNTRY.only way the ballat box.

  13. Really Tun M you still one of two PM that l admire.

    You can be cunning, outspoken or dictator nevertheless Malaysia under your administration prosper & the 3 races live harmony.

  14. Two more things….admit the 5% petroleum royalty for Sabah Sarawak was a wrongful decision and suggest it to at least 40%. 2nd admit that your IC project in Sabah is a wrongful thing ever made by your self and please make a statement and press conference that this two sinfull decision made by you and the gangs to be reversed and stop immediately.

  15. I may not have high regards for Tun M in the past but I salute him for being brave enough to face the people who were like me.Would anyone dare do what he is doing.?
    Like he says go for the current problem now and you can then look into his past once the objective has been met.People who fear him will be those who will cast all the negatives about him just to prevent him from redeeming himself in the process of saving the country from becoming a failed state.Hear him and support him if you want the same objectives.To me, he is our only hope for now.

  16. Shouting slogans is not enough. A pragmatic approach is needed to unseat the Mega Thief. We are stumbling at the blocks and missing the forest for the trees. For a meaningful pursuit of change it is essential to bury the hatchet. Vengeance only hinders the mission. Tun is an asset in the absence of Annuar Ibrahim. THINK AND ACT WISELY. Don’t play into the hands of your opponents.

  17. Brave Tun. Im happy to have you at the helm now too and at that time the people of this country actually had a good standard of living and happiness and achievements were easy amongst all

  18. You should have opened up to all Malaysians about why Anwar was sacked after he refused the offer to take leave abroad, pre1998. Expose all & let Malaysians know who the REAL Anwar is as he just cannot let go of his thyrsts!

  19. The silent majority and the right thinking citizen should not be lured by mahathirs appeal to topple najib just purely to satisfy and to solve his personal peoblem with najib. At first he tried to dictate in front of thr oublic to resign but when thiattempt failed he tried the party to pressure najib to resign through various unfounded accusation of 1mdb and the foreign fund but all this failed as a last resort and most unrespectable manner of an umno great leader at one time he is willing to allied with his at one time political foe to bring down najib.bearing in mind his remaining lifespan only god knows what he is going to do after this.as a simpke layman an an ordinary umno member i would like to humbly personal appeal to doctot mahathir it is high time to forget his perdonal ego and for godsaje come back to basic so thst you will berespected and accepted again as a respected umno leader in history.

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