Don't use gimmicks to promote SkillsFuture programmes


Training companies offering SkillsFuture Credit-eligible courses should not use publicity gimmicks such as lucky draws and gifts to promote their programmes.

They should also refrain from marketing their courses as being “free” or “paid for by the government”, and instead explain how course fees are being offset in part or full by credits or subsidies.

These are among a list of publicity guidelines released by the SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) statutory board yesterday.

SkillsFuture is a national movement aimed at upgrading the skills of all Singaporeans and promoting lifelong learning.

Under it, an initial $500 is granted to every Singaporean above 25 years old to attend skills courses – which could range from developing mobile apps to providing advice on wine.

The SSG said the new publicity guidelines will provide greater clarity on the use of the SkillsFuture Credit.

They should not ask for confidential details from the public, including their SingPass, to make the SkillsFuture Credit claims on their behalf, the SSG said.

The SSG said in a Facebook post: “The guidelines will ensure that training providers do not request confidential information such as SingPass, and that they do not cause confusion to the public.”

Under the guidelines, companies are to ensure that they do not convey the impression that the use of SkillsFuture Credit is limited to a specific training provider or specific courses.

This article was first published on Jan 6, 2017.
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Friday, January 6, 2017 – 08:13
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