Delivery riders on Orchard pavement worry pedestrians



A retail manager has had several close shaves with food delivery riders on motorcycles on the pavement near his office at Wheelock Place in Orchard.

And Mr Nick Smith, 36, who has been working in the area for about two years, is not alone in this.

Other pedestrians have also had close encounters with the errant motorcyclists, most of whom were there to pick up food orders from Shake Shack, the popular burger and milkshake joint, in Liat Towers.

As there is no direct road access to the outlet, the pavement is the fastest, most convenient way for the food delivery riders who are usually in a hurry.

When The New Paper staked out the pedestrian area outside Wheelock Place and Liat Towers for two hours at lunchtime on Monday, about 20 food delivery riders were seen riding and parking their motorbikes on the pavement.

There are carparks in the malls nearby, as well as an open-air carpark at Angullia Park next to Far East Shopping Centre. Some malls, like Liat Towers and Far East Shopping Centre, do not have motorcycle parking.

But four riders TNP spoke to were not keen on using the carparks.


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