Covid-19 testing booths set up at 170 clinics



SINGAPORE – Swab booths are now located at 170 clinics islandwide to allow those with shortness of breath and cough or showing any sign of a Covid-19 infection to get tested while bolstering the safety of the general practitioners (GPs), clinic staff and their patients.

It is in line with the national effort to ramp up testing capacities with Singapore having moved into phase two of its reopening.

The clinics are part of a 900-wide network of Public Health Preparedness Clinics (PHPCs) spread across the island, out of which 400 are equipped to allow anyone aged 13 and above diagnosed with acute respiratory infection (ARI) symptoms to get tested for the coronavirus.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) had previously said the strategy is to test everyone diagnosed with ARI once there is sufficient testing capacity.

The swab booths, built using an aluminium frame and polycarbonate panels, are lightweight and mobile. They were developed by local engineering company ATC, and sponsored by Temasek Foundation. 


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