Counsellor Lim Sing Sing: My life is more meaningful, even though I can’t walk


Lim Sing Sing had a turbulent youth. After his parents separated, he stayed with his grandmother whose love for him spoilt him as a child. He dropped out of Secondary school after the first year, and turned to drugs and gangs to fill the void in him.

For more than 10 years, Lim shuffled from job to job, drifting in and out of drug-induced highs. It took him a literal fall to the rock bottom to turn things around. In 1992, just days before the lunar New Year, Lim was on a high from a concoction of alcohol, psychedelic drugs and glue. Unknowingly, he fell out of the window from his 15th floor flat and landed straight on top of a car.

The fall spared his life, but broke his bones so badly that he could no longer walk.

Watch this episode of The Newsmaker, as Lim Sing Sing shares about the life he leads now, far away from drugs, and how he lends a helping hand to those in need of kicking the habit.

About “The Newsmaker”

“The Newsmaker” (封面人物) is one of 10 SPH-produced short form digital video series as part of a pilot Public Service Broadcast initiative. In this 13-part series, people who have made news headlines in the past share with the host Fred Lai (Content Producer, Chinese Media Group Digital) how the news events changed their lives and how they have been coping since then. All episodes come with English subtitles.

This series is also available on the website and mobile app.

Saturday, May 27, 2017 – 08:00

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