Coronavirus: Work permit and S Pass holders in construction sector will serve 14-day stay-home notice from Monday



SINGAPORE – All work permit and S Pass holders in the construction industry will be on 14-day stay-home notices (SHN) from Monday (April 20) to prevent further transmission of the coronavirus at work sites, said the Manpower Ministry (MOM) on Saturday.

It will take effect on April 20 and end May 4. Dependant Pass holders of these workers are also to be on stay-home notice.

The new move is to ensure that there is no further interaction between workers and those outside their residential premises for two weeks, the ministry said in a statement.

The changes apply to the construction sector as the highest number of infected cases have come from this sector and work site transmissions have been a contributing factor.

“Contact tracing suggests that transmissions at common construction work sites may have contributed to the increase in numbers,” it said.

There are 284,300 work permit holders in the construction industry.


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