SINGAPORE – While Sport Singapore (SportSG) still encourages people to work out from home, the national agency said those going out to exercise can now do so with those in the same household in its updated advisory issued on Sunday (May 17).
This applies until the circuit breaker period ends on June 1.
The previous advisory on April 21 urged individuals to exercise alone and only in their immediate neighbourhoods.
The May 17 update noted individuals should not linger after their exercise and should return home immediately after they are done with their exercise.
Safe distancing measures must be observed at all times between people of different households, and there shall not be any gathering in groups.
It is also mandatory for those who leave home to exercise to wear masks, unless they are engaging in strenuous exercise or children under the age of two.
SportSG defined strenuous exercise as running, jogging, cycling, static exercises and drills for warm-ups, brisk walking and walking on hilly terrain.
Exercises such as walking and strolling leisurely do not fall under this category.
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