Coronavirus: Singapore schools step up to help needy students, families



Before home-based learning (HBL) kicked in, schools were worried that children who came from disadvantaged homes would start lagging behind their peers.

They prepared accordingly, finding out which students needed laptops and tablets, and whether they had stable Internet connections.

Schools dug into their stockpile of devices and sourced for more.

Teachers also made arrangements for a small number of children who, for various reasons, wanted to do their learning in school.

A month on, schools say that the “learning” part of the equation has turned out to be the least of their problems.

The bigger issue, for most of their students, is that real life has intruded.

Some children have shared their anxieties over their parents losing jobs.

With the loss of income, others have had to fret about going hungry.

Others, whose parents are in front-line jobs, worry about the risks from the coronavirus.

In many of these cases, their teachers – instead of merely helping them with their lessons – also become their confidants and counsellors.


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