Coronavirus: See a doctor even if it is just a sniffle, advises Lawrence Wong



Despite having enhanced testing and tracing capabilities, the authorities have urged the public not to let their guard down and called on everyone to stay vigilant and take all necessary precautions.

These include going to see a doctor as soon as one presents any symptom, even if it is just a sniffle, said National Development Minister Lawrence Wong, who co-chairs the multi-ministry task force tackling Covid-19.

This is more crucial than ever as the risk of transmission is much higher now than during the circuit breaker period when contact with other people had been minimal, he added at a press conference yesterday. “During the circuit breaker… the risk of spreading to many people was very low (as) you’re just at home,” he said.

But if people were to avoid seeing a doctor even when they feel feverish or have a flu-like symptom, or worse still, go about their daily activities and meet other people, then the risk of spreading Covid-19 increases, he added.

Since the beginning of this month, all patients aged 13 and older who show up at clinics with signs of acute respiratory infection have been required to be tested for the coronavirus.


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