Coronavirus: New initiative gives nurses priority queue for lunch



SINGAPORE – Nurses will get to not only skip the lunchtime queues at one hawker centre but also enjoy that adage-defying free lunch in the latest initiative for front-line workers dealing with the coronavirus.

Moulmein-Cairnhill Constituency Office on Friday (Feb 14) announced the launch of “MoCa Cares For Nurses”, which allows nurses in their uniform to enjoy priority queues at 33 participating stalls in Pek Kio Market and Food Centre.

The constituency office said in its statement: “With five hospitals located within the Moulmein-Cairnhill constituency, merchants and grassroots leaders have rallied together on Valentine’s Day to show their love for the many nurses living and working in the area, as they are fighting tirelessly at the front line against Covid-19.”

In the vicinity, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, the National Centre for Infectious Diseases and KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital are handling coronavirus cases.

The campaign, however, is extended to nurses from public and private hospitals and clinics islandwide. 

Until March 31, nurses will also be entitled to free daily lunch sets sponsored by the Pek Kio Merchant’s Association.


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