Coronavirus: Life will not go back to normal after end of circuit breaker period, says Gan Kim Yong



Life in Singapore will not “revert to normal” when the circuit breaker period ends on May 4, Health Minister Gan Kim Yong said yesterday.

If necessary, it would be extended, he told reporters at a virtual press conference.

But even if such a move is not needed, Singaporeans will not see a situation where all the significantly stricter measures are lifted at once and “everyone (can do) what they like”, he said.

Some measures may be tightened, and others loosened or fine-tuned, added Mr Gan, who co-chairs the multi-ministry task force fighting the Covid-19 outbreak.

Even if the measures were relaxed, they would be done as part of a gradual process that would extend beyond the circuit breaker period, he added.

The minister stressed that the pace of change will depend on the Government’s risk assessment of the virus threat at the particular point in time.


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